Testimonials from Team Members

Our team is vocal about their pride in being part of the UAG family!

" I have worked at Dymaxion Apartments since 2010 and I was promoted to an Area Manager in 2012. I have been in property management for 16 years and this is one of the BEST companies I have worked for. UAG truly stands for "TRUST" T-truthfulness, R-right way, U-urgency, S- sense of family, T- teamwork.

UAG has empowered me to grow as a person and a Manager. I truly feel at home working with UAG, because you are part of a family that cares. I am proud to say that I belong to the UAG family. "

April Lopez
Area Manager

" I have been with UAG since July 2007. In this time I have learned more than I ever thought possible. To work for a company that not only supports you, but encourages you to obtain your dreams is awesome. UAG gives each employee the tools, training and resources they need to be successful and grow with the company. UAG creates a family that I feel blessed to be a part of. I am grateful to be a part of such a caring company. UAG has been the most rewarding company that I have ever worked for. "

Kelly Trlica
Community Manager

" It's hard to imagine it was 13 years ago that I started my journey with United Apartment Group. Looking back, I feel very fortunate to have learned so much from those I've worked with and the life lessons that I've experienced. When you consider I've been with this team for most of my career in Property Management, it says a lot about the company. I believe the key to United Apartment Group's success is the understanding of their employee's individual needs and talents; we are the most important asset. The company creates a positive nurturing environment where we can learn from our successes as well as our mistakes. They understand that the employees need to hear positive sincere reinforcement and encourage it. Likewise, when we fail, it creates a learning opportunity for us to work together to be better. The bottom line, our company is only as good as our employees. I am so proud to be a part of this team and look forward to what the future brings! "

Cindy Tiessonniere
Regional Training Director

" Since the start of my employment with United Apartment Group in December 2009, I have been given many opportunities for growth within my career in the multifamily industry. Not only have I been given opportunities to work at the property level in every position, I have also filled the roll as the Executive Assistant to the COO and President of the company. With the knowledge and experience that I have gained, I am confident that I will only continue to grow as a successful leader. I love that my company promotes from within and I am very proud to be a member of this awesome team! "

Manuel Gonzales
Property Manager

" I started with United Apartment Group in September of 2010. My community in Houston was one of the many that were part of the large group, UAG took over management for. It was the best thing that happened for my community and myself to grow in the apartment industry. It was also scary at the same time, going from having the same management company for over five years to a new and different company. Like all changes!

Little did I know UAG would be the BEST management company that I have worked for in all my 15 years in the industry! The success starts from the top with our owners that show you UAG isn't just a company to work for or just a job you report to daily. It's a connection of people that we call family and all want the same success in achieving greatness.

I started as a Property Manager, promoted to District Manager in 2012 and climbed up to one of the Houston Regional Managers in 2014. UAG is committed to developing their staff both professionally and personally to advance in their careers.

I really appreciate that my supervisors at UAG are sincerely interested in helping me to grow in my position. When I've had difficulties with a project they did not berate me, but worked to provide the resources and environment to help me to work through those difficulties.

It's a pleasure to work with so many smart, dedicated people."

Thank you UAG!
Lindsay Lauterbach